Monday, August 15, 2011

Model It. Week Four: Collective Representation

- A2 Poster -

Upon portraying the collection of architectural models produced during this module one begins to personally perceive the manner in which such develops the individual’s perception of architectural form to a more interment realm of appreciation as the singular spatial elements emerge in a state clarity.

Model It. Week Three: Fisher House Detail / Window Detail

- Window Detail -

The relative task as perceived below of representing a window seat from the Fisher House in a detailed manner is of rather simplistic nature, as the resultant expresses the pure and linear manner of the forms which interplay to define the overall architectural structure within relative space.

- Fisher House Detail -

Developing Louis Kahn’s Fisher House of 1960 into a detailed representation of form requires in a sense an educated simplification system in order to portray the relative form in the most architecturally and conceptually accurate manner. Such defines the correlation of interplays upon one another to allow the pure architectural expression to emerge upon the responder.

Model It. Week Two: Fisher House Site / Sectional Form

- Sectional Form -

The following three representational models portray an attempt to express creativity whilst defining a specific form within space. The first portrayal suggests the notion of simplicity with regards to an individual cubes form, which through development in the form of a sectional incision reveals the more complex form of study. The second representation defines the sectional form through the relative autonomy of architecture, as the form is perceived through proportional extensions twisting upon a central axis. Finally we identify through the third model a simple portrayal of form through the direct repetition of the form of study to thus extend the responders perception from considering the relative to absorbing the obvious.

- Fisher House Site -

The Fisher House from Louis Kahn of 1960 as perceived below portrays a true architectural interplay of simplistic linear elements within a natural context. Such an interplay defines the spatial dimension upon the responder’s perception as we begin to identify the relative beauty encompassed within the correlation of materials upon the citing.

Model It. Week One: Barcelona Pavilion / House Task

- House Task -

The intent regarding the creating of two houses within an interesting manner as perceived below, surrounded the notion of lightness and depth of perception with relation to colour as perceived by the human eye. We identify identical architectural form, however through a careful arrangement, of which is further enhanced by two tapered skewers may the depth of the structures begin to juxtapose one another.

- Barcelona Pavilion -

The Barcelona Pavilion from Ludwig Mies van der Rohe of 1929 portrays a unique interplay of modern form within a spatially linear dimension. Achieved through various juxtapositions of orthogonally linear elements may the responder’s perception of the structure be defined in association with the relative correlation of materials.

Reference: “Mies Barcelona: 1929. The Barcelona Pavilion”, (accessed August 3rd, 2011).